Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Road to Biculturalism within United States Businesses

This study aims to explore how U.S. immigrant employees view their journey to biculturalism through employment. The literature does acknowledge that some immigrants may be innately resistant to biculturalism due to strongly being culturally independent; therefore, this research also investigates how being culturally independent within the U.S. workforce affects such individuals’ employment experiences and satisfaction. Study’s results provide researchers and organizational leaders preliminary insight in facilitating biculturalism within the workplace through diversity initiatives.

Keywords: Biculturalism, multiculturalism, acculturation, assimilation, social integration, cultural identity, cross-cultural identity, cultural adaptation.

Link to Research:


Zelihic, M., Makowski, C. (2016) The Road to Biculturalism within United States Businesses, "The Economics, Finance, IT, Management, MIS & International Business Research Conference, London," The Journal of American Business Review, Cambridge. (July 2016). Bio:

Dr. Maja Zelihic is a Program Chair for the Masters of Organizational Management, in the Forbes School of Business at Ashford University. She has a Ph. D in General Business with an emphasis in Organizational Management. In addition to being a Program Chair in the MAOM program, Dr. Zelihic is a Chair of Professional Development and Scholarship committee at Ashford University, which is a committee that recommends professional development content and provides recommendations concerning faculty research. She is a Program Chair; Innovation Track at ABSEL (Association for Business Simulation & Experiential Learning).

Dr. Zelihic is the recipient of Western International University Excellence Award for Contributions to Faculty Peer Development, two-time University of Phoenix Faculty Scholarship award, recognized as one of the top 10 Forbes School of Business faculty members in 2013, recipient of the University Fellows grants award in 2014(as part of a team of four), and again the recipient of the University Fellows Grant award in 2016 as the principal investigator.

In 2016 Dr. Zelihic was honored to be the recipient of both the 2016 Excellence in Scholarship Award (nominated by her peers) and Forbes School of Business President's Award for the Excellence in Scholarship.

Dr. Zelihic has published more than 20 articles in various refereed journals, such as the Springer’s Quality and Quantity Journal, Life Science Journal, Journal of American Business Review, Journal of Strategic and International Studies, Global Business, and International Management International Journal. Dr. Zelihic is an editorial advisory board member of The Journal of Global Business Management and a peer reviewer at the University of New Mexico Mentoring Institute and Journal for Excellence in Business Education.

To name just a few of her international presentation endeavors, Dr. Zelihic presented at the International Symposium of the New Technologies in Sports, delivering a lecture on sports management in April, 2011 in Sarajevo, Bosnia; 2015 IX International GUIDE Conference -Buenos Aires, Argentina; 2015Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Orlando, Florida; and she is a three-time attendee and presenter at the Finance, Economics, MIS, & Global Business Research Conference, Miami, Florida. Furthermore, in 2016 Dr. Zelihic presented at the XI International GUIDE Conference and IX International EdTech IKASNABAR Congress in Madrid, Spain.

In July 2016, Dr. Zelihic presented as the key speaker at the Economics, Finance, MIS & International Business Research Conference in London presenting her research on Biculturalism in the US workforce.

In October 2016, Dr. Zelihic was a part of an educational team with Astria Learning assisting with University of Zambia’s transition to an online program. She conducted training and lectures on online platform and education. In March 2017, Dr. Zelihic presented in Lusaka, Zambia at the UNZA’s Executive Leadership Seminar in collaboration with Astria Learning on Leading Change, Why People Resist topic.