Thursday, December 20, 2018

Professors Bill Davis, Dr. William Woods and Dr. Murad Abel Present Learning Research at ADEIL Conference

A Busy October for These Professors!  
Forbes School of Business & Technology Professors
Presented Active Learning Research at Three Academic Conferences. 
Bill Davis, Dr. William Woods, and Dr Murad Abel presented their ORCS Research Presentations at the 2018 ADEIL Conference held at the University of Wisconsin – Madision, the 2018 QM Connect - Quality Matters Conference held in St. Louis, and presented and recorded their presentation for the 2018 Ashford University TLC.

Title of Presentations:
2018 ADEIL Conference: “Student Perceptions of Active Learning in Online Classrooms”

2018 QM Connect: “Which Active Learning Methods Do Student’s Perceive to Increase Their Active Learning and Satisfaction.”

2018 Ashford University Virtual Teaching and Learning Conference: “Students Perceptions of Active Learning.”


Active learning is the process of doing, observing, and dialogue with oneself and others. These sessions all present and consider active learning methods, strategy, learning styles, and the active learning methods students perceive to increase their learning and satisfaction.

Our Hypothesis / Research Questions: 

H#1: We believe active learning theory offers effective methods to further student learning and educational satisfaction. 

R#2: The Our question we look to answer: Which active learning methods do students perceive to increase their learning and satisfaction? 

Purpose of Research: To determine student perceptions of active learning methods in the online modality, and to assess which active learning methods are preferred by students. We look to add to the wealth of knowledge concerning active learning with attention given to the online modality.

Presentation Example: Link to Research:
2018 QM Connect

Author Bio: All Professors are in the Forbes School of Business & Technology

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